Sunday, January 15, 2012

Christmas Outfit from MiMi & PaPa

Hey there everybody!
How's it going out there?  Sorry we've been MIA lately.  Like I said a few posts ago, my mom is working like a fool, so me and dad have been reading books, hanging out in my exersaucer & playing around.  I'm getting so big....SO BIG, in fact, that it's already time for me to get my license.  Just kidding, it's just time for my 6 month old doctor's appointment, so we're going to see Dr. Paruolo this Thursday.  I'll get weighed and measured, just like a boxer, and I bet I'm gonna be about the same as always - 95% for height and 25% for weight.  Heck, I come by it honestly, look at my dad.  ;)

So, I guess I could share a few new things I've been into lately.  I have to make this interesting, for you fine readers out there, don't I?  Well, I've figured out to suck on my thumb, stand up w/ help, scootch around my crib on my back & roll-over, front to back.  I'm about 75% on my back to front roll, but I'm still not getting the part where I have to bury my arm, underneath, to make the roll complete, but I think I still have some time. Don't rush me, ok?  :)

I am JUST like my mom, or at least that's what she keeps saying about my personality.  I'm a smidge aggressive, both mentally and physically.  I really like things MY way. What's so wrong with that?  And I am talking everyone's EAR'S OFF!  No lie, I just babble until the sun goes down.  And now that I can really use my vocal chords, I have figured out my falcetto voice by squeeking.  I don't even know how to spell it, but I squeek like a mad-man, just to see how high my voice can get.  It cracks my parents up, but then again, what doesn't?  I feel like they're laughing at me all day long.  They have serious problems if they think I'm the most interesting thing going on, ya know?  Get a life, you two.

Anyhow, we can't complain.  life is good, the holidays were so much fun, and the bigger I get, the more I get to do on my own, so I'm digging this more and more.  Shhhh...don't say anything, but I overheard my parents saying something about a crib tent.  I guess they're learning from mom's brother, Brad, that containing me may be a bit of a struggle in a few months here.  I'll show them! 

OK, gotta go take my nap.  My eyes are tired and I'm starting to rub them again.  See you next time.
Have a great day!  And enjoy these pictures of me in my Christmas outfit from MiMi & PaPa!  They got me and my cousin Harry matching outfits, so that we'll both look cute. 

See ya!

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