Sunday, March 4, 2012

At the park with mommy & daddy

Hey guys!

My mom and dad took me to the park, around the corner from our house.  It was pretty cool.  They put me in this swing and man I got pretty high up there.  I'm holding my head up, pretty darn well, my back is super strong, so I was able to handle the yaw, ya know? LOL

Anyhow, my mom thinks that she is a genius w/ regards to my outfits.  She just loves putting these Jumping Bean pants on me and she's obsessed w/ the hats.  Seriously, I have a complete drawer full of hats, just waiting to get worn. 

I know I look like a fairly calm kid, and quite honestly, I'm a chill kid, period.  EXCEPT when I want something.  Then, I'm kind of a jerk.  Come by that one, honestly.  My mom and dad say they're really lucky, all the time, because I really am a good kid, 95% of the time.  The other 5% of the time is, what we like to call, "hand me back to my parents, and let them deal w/ my mental breakdown."  I digress...I'm just a kid, and that's all I have to say about that.

Anyhow, enjoy the pics.  It's just us, the little fam, messing around at the park and enjoying this GORGEOUS weather.  It's been so nice for over a week now.  My mother is starting to turn a corner on Texas  which is good, because once she's starts getting overheated, it's not good for all of us.  Hahaha.  My dad is already yapping about how he's worried that it's going to be a tough summer, and my mom just stares at him and says, "I'm watching you turn into your dad."  Then they laugh, like they always do when they call each other out on stuff.

See you soon,

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