Monday, August 1, 2011

My first doctor's appointment!

2 weeks old!!
Hello everybody!

Today was my first outing.  I've run my parents so ragged that we woke up late for my first doctor's appointment.  We managed to make it.  At least I looked super cute in my mint green polo outfit from Papa and Mimi.  I can't say the same for my parents, seeing how my mom was still in the same clothes she slept in & a messy pony tail, but they did ok anyway. Considering I tear the you know what outta my parents during the overnight sessions, I'll try to not judge.  ;)  All of that just to say - I can tell they are really, really, REALLY tired. 

Anyhow, we did great at the doctor's office.  I was born 7 lbs 6 oz's, lost some weight after I was born, as we just found out all babies do, and now I'm back up to 7 lbs 8 oz's, so I'm growing!  Wahooo!  I'm also up almost 2 inches in length, to a whopping 21 3/4 inches.  My mom is still wondering if it's possible for me to grow that much that fast.  The nurse even said I have exceptionally long arms and legs.  Whodathunk? 

See how red my hair is getting, too?  My hair looks more blonde around the crown, but with every single day it gets more and more red.  Just like my handsome daddy was back in his younger years.  Hee hee.  It makes my mom such a softie to see me start looking like my dad now, too.  They keep saying how adorable I am.  What does that word even mean? 

Oh well...I'll email more updates as they come.

Love from the Hall family,

My dad loves me so much!

My mom thinks my hand signal is on purpose.  LOL!
She takes so many darn pictures of me all the time.

Peek-A-Boo!  Like my blanket from Aunt Missy & Uncle Bill?

My mom likes the way I sleep w/ my fists up next to my head.  She tries to catch me while I'm sleeping, but her dumb flash makes my face pinch up from the shock every time.

Sometimes I fart when I'm sitting in my dad's lap.

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