Well, OK.....I've got to update you on things around the Hall Household. I have had an ear infection in my right ear for about the last 6 months. Pretty much since I started Daycare, which is totally expected to catch a cold here and there, but my right ear infection has lasted much longer than it should. Since it's not ever cleared up to 100% after all of the meds, twice daily ear drops and doctor visits, we realized that we had to make some decisions.
I've also had periodic infections in the left ear, but it's completely cleared up now. Dr. Tardy thinks that it's causing me to have delayed speech. Yada-Yada, right? The rub is I get to go to speech therapy classes every Tuesday/Thursday at 11am. He also wants me to go see an ENT (Ear Nose Throat Doctor), because it could also be that I can't hear that great from the right ear. My mom is so inappropriate, but she keeps telling my dad that I sound like a deaf person, and I kind of do. Like really yawny type of words...they can tell I'm trying to say the word, it just sounds really awkward.
At first my parents weren't too keen on the idea...because they know I'm MORE than fine, but at the end of the day they folded because they both think it's what best for me. Can't hurt to get someone to help kick start my words, right? I mean, it's funny because I overheard my mom telling my dad, "Why ruin a good thing, you know?" And they are right, because once I get this mouth thing going, they will never hear the END of me!
I started Speech Therapy yesterday, and there was a lady and a man there watching me. They basically just let me play around in the room w/ all of their toys. They let me put circles into circle holes, triangles into triangle holes, asked me which toy was red, which one was blue...you know, totally easy stuff. My mom didn't get to go because of a work meeting (grr), but dad was there to monitor and make sure everything was kosher, and it was. My dad said I got one thing wrong...and since both therapist's were flanking me during the observation session, the lady said she saw my eyes go directly to the right object, but I ended up doubting myself and picking the wrong thing instead. That's normal too, right? Haha!
I haven't seen an ENT yet, but after my first 3 observation sessions, they have already identified that I have delayed speech and no other issues. So, at the end of the day it's exactly what my parents thought....their bet is I'm getting a tube put into my right ear, so once we see the ENT, we'll know more. Until then, it's me, my parents and these 2 goons that watch me for 45 minutes 2 times a week. Wish me luck!
Love you guys!
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