Friday, June 15, 2012

Chili's Experience

Hey everybody,

I have to be careful, in my own excitment, as I retell this story.  I think it's a sore spot for mommy, so I'll try to take it easy.  This is just a story, for the memory here goes:

We went to Chili's tonight.  Mommy and Daddy couldn't decide where to go, so we ended up w/ the ol' Standby, because they both loooooooove the chips and salsa.  Anyhooo, we were having a great time, eating and laughing.  I even downed an entire 8 oz bottle of formula, and still wanted more.  I can't seem to get enough IN these days.  I'm so hungry all the time.  That said, my dad started giving me some bites of his tasty plate, comprised of Ribs, mashed potatos....probably some veggies, as well. He was chopping up the pieces of meat, really fine, so that they were slender and easy to swallow. 
OK, I have all of 6 teeth, and without being too gross, I'm not the best chewer (YET!).  Fast forward....I begin to gag...more like choking now.  Mommy flips her wig, grabs me, & within 2 seconds has gently hammered my back w/ her hand, so that I spit it up.  Mission accomplished, so mommy puts her wig back on, daddy picks his jaw up off the floor....and all seems well.  Mommy checks my face, and hears that I'm breathing fine.  Daddy reaches over to make sure I'm ok....I turn to look at mommy and BLAAAAAAHHHHHHH.....all over her. 

All over her in a way that I Mean is ALL OVER HER.  Across her face, in the back of her hair, down her arm, down her hand, down the side of her leg......and after further examination she is sitting in a pool of it, cuz of those nifty plastic seats in the booths at Chili's. parents were so disgusted, however they stayed really cool.  Neither one of them get that upset about anything, anyway...but they DID turn into a mini pit crew and began scrubbing the table like no one's bidnazz.  I'm telling you. My mom is such a germaphobe, that she took the lady's cleaning bottle, re-sprayed the entire area and scrubbed the table down one more time, before we left. LOL. She's so nice.  Oh yea, and my dad, per usual, left a lofty tip for the waitress, because he a) always does that, and b) felt really sorry for the employees there.  I think I must have caused a little ruckus.  :)

We left, clearly, and tried to put the pieces of our lives back together.  My mom even dropped her pants, at the car, so that she didn't have to drive in them.  Once we were home, we both ended up in our birthday suits, leaving our clothes in the washer for a double cleaning, in the hallway upstairs, at home.  Nothing that really broke the bank, but a great memory for all of us.  Man....what a night. 

All is well in the HALL Household.....just getting a real handle on how to get in and OUT of places fast, these days.  These 2 are good.

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