Sunday, June 29, 2014

Its Sunday-Church day! ⛪️

I always have so much fun when I go to church with mom & dad. Don't worry-we sat in the very back row so we don't bother anyone, but today I was so cute my mom couldn't stop herself from snapping away. I whispered the whole time. I'm a really good boy!  Promise. 👼 👪. And yes, my parents heard & really enjoyed the pastors message today about Joseph and his family. BQTLSTSSTBA. Translation: be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to become angry. All of us really liked & needed that!  

And get this...I play with my ear just like my mom does. She loves it and caught me doing it today. Evidence:

Sometimes when my dad dressese, my shorts end up on backwards. 😜

My new toilet! Not sure about what to do with this thing!