Monday, November 4, 2013

100% Potty Trained

Hello Guys!

OMG. mom got up w/ me this morning and BAM...she saw me go under my high chair, like I always do.  I go there to do my morning constitution, bc I like the privacy it provides.  She immediately took me upstairs and put me on my toilet and I sat there and got back up.  Didn't work. So we went back downstairs.  Then, when I went back under the high chair....BACK up the stairs we went and then back on the little toilet I went.  She sat w/ me in my restroom, and then left, so I could be alone.  And then, plop.....she heard it.  She started clapping.....I could hear it....and then I started clapping, bc I KNEW I had done something really good!  I am 100% potty trained.

All is well in the Hall household!  Mom and Dad are So proud!


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Potty Trained!

Hi guys!

Sorry it's been a while again.  We get going and forget to post sometimes. 

OK, so my mom is super pumped about this one, because I am potty trained!  Not 100%, you know....not the big stuff yet, but this morning, my mom and I were hanging out watching Saturday cartoons and I grabbed her hand, led her to the stairs where she asked me if I had to go peepee and I said Yes.  We went upstairs and she put me on my little seat....left to give me some of my own personal time, and when I came out of the bathroom (with no pants on, ha ha!), she saw that I had totally pee'd IN the little toilet.  BAM!  Done and Done!  Love it!

Oh yea, and you want to know her even more favorite part of this story?  Daycare did the potty training, so mom & dad haven't really had to try that hard, since I'm such a smarty pants.  :)

Hope you enjoy your weekend, folks.  This fall weather is our favorite!
Love you guys!